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Suzhou Jianbazi Testing Technology Co., Ltd





Factory Address: No. 1, Gaocao North Road, Fuxiang Development Zone, Tongluo, Wujiang District, Suzhou City

Address of Wujiang Operation Center: 1802, Block G, Kaiping Business Center, the Taihu Lake New Town, Wujiang District, Suzhou

Shanghai Branch Address: No.16-153, Lane 199, Yefan Road, Yexie Town, Songjiang District, Shanghai

ECHOMETER 1075 wall thickness and sound velocity measuring instrument (basic type)

ECHOMETER 1075 wall thickness and sound velocity measuring instrument (basic type)

ECHOMETER 1075 wall thickness and sound velocity measuring instrument (basic type)

Basic model: simple and reliable method for measuring wall thickness and sound velocity ECHOMETER 1075 basic model can quickly and easily measure wall thickness and sound velocity. Wall thickness measurement range 0.7---400 mm Sound velocity measurement range 100---19,999 m/s Ultra-large clear display with backlighting to ensure normal operation under low-light lighting conditions. Through the simple and easy-to-use operating menu, You can quickly enter the measurement state or change the measurement parameters. The rubber protective cover and sturdy carrying case provided with the battery and charging equipment ensure the normal use of the instrument in any environment, and it can also be easily carried.



Display technology Liquid crystal display (FSTN)

Size 52.6 x 27.5 mm2

Display format Graphic display 128 x 64 dots

Display window 44 x 16 mm2

Character height 12.5mm

Adjustment limit


Resolution 0.1 mm 1.0 mm—499.9mm

Resolution 0.01 mm 1.00 mm—499.99mm

Resolution 0.001 inch 0.004 in---19.645 in

Speed of sound

Resolution 0.1 mm 100 m/s--- 19999 m/s

Resolution 0.01 mm 100 m/s----19999 m/s

Resolution 0.001 inch 0.0400in/us --0.7874 n/us

Calibration test block

Embedded test block 5 mm steel (5920 m/s)


Resolution 0.1 mm 0.1 mm

Resolution 0.01 mm 0.01mm

Resolution 0.001 in 0.00 in

Measuring range

Standard probe DSE10.4/6PB4 1.5 --250 mm (0.06 - 9.8 in)


Resolution 0.1 mm 0.1 mm,> 80mm+/-0.5% of reading

Resolution 0.01 mm 0.1 mm,> 80mm+/-0.5% of reading

Resolution 0.001 in 0.004 in,> 80mm+/-0.5% of reading

Mini probe 0.7 bis 25 mm

DSE 4.2/4PB8 (0.03 bis 1 in)


Resolution 0.1 mm 0.1 mm

Resolution 0.01 mm 0.1 mm

Resolution 0.001 in 0.004 inch

Low frequency probe DSE 18/25PB2 5.0-- 400mm

Error: 0.2 mm,> 80mm+/-0.5%

 0.008 in

Measuring range 100-19999m/s

Accuracy 1m/s
