UV-365ZSBLC/UV-365ZHC flaw detection UV lamp
Product Details:
UV-365ZSBLC/UV-365ZHC/UV-365ZEH UV lamp is an innovative product of SPECTRO-UV company in the United States, including compact, wide beam, handheld NDT non-destructive inspection lamp.
uVision™-365 series UV lamps are divided into economical type (meet EN ISO 3059 standard):
UV-365ES (standard strength) Economical type (meet EN ISO 3059 standard):
UV-365EH (high intensity), the corresponding built-in lithium battery model is UV-365ZEH, and the external battery pack model is UV-365MEH
Luxury type (meet EN ISO 3059+ASTM E3022-18 standard):
UV-365HC, the corresponding built-in lithium battery model is UV-365ZHC, the external battery pack model is UV-365MHC, and the hanging wheel model is UV-365HCR.
Luxury type (meet EN ISO 3059 + ASTM E3022-18 standard + Rolls-Royce RRES 9061 standard):
UV-365SBLC, the corresponding built-in lithium battery model is UV-365ZSBLC, the external battery pack model is UV-365MSBLC, and the hanging wheel model is UV-365SBLCR
Features of UV lamps:
Cordless-portable, can be used in the field
Battery in the handle – fully equipped
Long battery life: 8-12 hours
Fast charging: 3-4 hours
Large battery holder-can stand on its own
D-ring hook on back panel-for storage or belt clip
IP65 rating-dustproof and waterproof
Cool operation, fanless design
Wide and uniform beam profile
Long-lasting UV-A lenses protect against sun exposure
Adjustable white light